These days of difficult changes and adaptation one wants to hear optimistic stories. British solicitors experienced with Spanish law, or Spanish lawyers with British clients, know a lot of happy endings. There are a few things worse in life than the feeling of being a victim of fraud. In the case of financial operations, which require careful consideration, many people blame themselves, their distractions or their rush in accepting a contract.
Why are British expats vulnerable to Spanish Bank mortgage and financial abuses?
There are many factors that are involved in the multiple cases of British expats making claims against Spanish banks. Many times, the language barrier plays a role. Even in one’s native tongue, it is hard to keep track of all legal documentation that has to do with property and real state. Plus, some literal translations from Spanish to English are not useful, as interest-related terms might have different meanings. For instance, lawyers have encountered five or six different ways of introducing “Floor Clauses” or “Cláusulas Suelo”. As a result, without appropriate sector knowledge, it becomes difficult to identify issues even for those who begin to suspect malpractice.
The other key challenge for British expats is the fact that they might not be able to spend the whole year in the country. Many of them spend long periods back in the UK or, because of family commitments, simply have to return periodically. As a result, they are not always able to carefully study every proposal. Spanish banks are aware of this, so sometimes they will attempt to accelerate processes when it is not necessary, or force you into undesired situations at the moment of acquiring your property. As practising Spanish lawyers know, administration in Spain is relatively slower than in the UK. Sometimes, missing a meeting or a required communication can set your process back for days or weeks. This can be stressful for expats, who could feel forced to stay in Spain for undue periods to deal with their issues.

Spanish Bank Claims, a perfect solution for uncertain times
Because of the twin issues described above, some British expats living in Spain have had to confront unfair practices in their mortgage and other financial activities. Both factors, language barriers and travelling requirements, are more relevant than ever in times of pandemic. Things as simple as understanding mobility between provinces, or regulations applying to legal procedures due to COVID-19, are an obstacle to even consider studying your case.
As a result, being able to hire Spanish lawyers through a trusted British firm can be a perfect solution for uncertain times. In the next months, as countries adapt to the pandemic, their legal systems will have to do so as well. For British-based solicitors, this will imply learning a lot in a short period about the Spanish context. However, for Spanish-based solicitors working with our UK-based team, they will have had to keep up with these changes. Their experience with past crises and their knowledge of both Spanish and British cases will help them understand the best course of action for your legal reclaim.
In short, do not despair. You should not add the feeling of being scammed or tricked to the overall stress of confinement and quarantine. Rather, you can actually seek justice by applying for a consultation with one of our lawyers. They will study your case, establish communication with the Spanish abogado for the relevant location and kickstart your process with banks or any other parties.